Welcome to the Roanoke Valley Children's Choir!
What is it like to be in the RVCC?
When joining the RVCC full choir program, you will be placed by Ms. Davidson into one of our four choirs, based on your age and ability.
Each full choir year is from August - April
A typical rehearsal:
Check in with the attendance moms and dads, find your seat, and get your music ready for rehearsal! Make sure you have your pencil in hand!
Rehearsal includes warm-ups for the voice, body stretching, sight singing, clapping rhythms, music theory and detailed practice of the concert music. The majority of the rehearsal time is spent on the concert music.
All choristers are committed to practicing their music at home 3 times each week. This makes for great rehearsals!
Throughout the year in the RVCC:
Every first Monday of the month is choir t-shirt day! All choristers wearing a choir t-shirt can be found choosing a favorite piece of candy from the Candy Box before rehearsal.
RVCC Fall Retreat Friends Kayaking!
In October of each year, the RVCC holds our annual Fall Retreat at Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Camp. Choristers spend Saturday morning through Sunday at noon singing, canoeing, kayaking, playing games and having fun at the themed dance with the DJ at night! Lots of new friends and lots of fun!
School Tour Performance
In December of each year, the Training Choirs (A B B+) sing for local elementary school children at our Annual School Tour for one morning.
The Concert Choir enjoys performing at Holiday Pops each year with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra.
C Choir Sings with the RSO at Annual Holiday Pops
All choristers participate in the annual Holiday Concerts at Shaftman Hall at the Jefferson Center and at the annual Holiday Carol Sing-a-long for the community sponsored by the RVCC.
In January, rehearsals resume with new music! The Concert Choir enjoys a “Winter-Warm-up” Saturday in January to jump start their rehearsals followed by two performances on Sunday at local churches.
ABB+ Choirs travel to Williamsburg and Busch Gardens
In April, the Training Choirs travel by bus to “Festival in the Park” in Williamsburg to sing for judges on a Friday afternoon, spend the night and enjoy a fun day at Busch Gardens on Saturday before the Awards Ceremony.
All choirs participate in the annual Spring Concerts in April at the Jefferson Center.
C Choir Summer Trip to NYC
The Concert Choir travels to a major Children’s Choir festival or honor performance each Spring or Summer.
Learn More About each Choir!
A choir: Youngest of the 3 training choirs, 1st-2nd grade
B Choir: Second level training choir, Ages 3th-4th grade
B+ Choir: Third level training choir. Ages 5th-8th grade
C Choir: Highest level Concert Choir in the RVCC. Ages 8th-12th grade.
Insights from some of the RVCC Choristers who have completed 9-10 years of Children’s Choir.
What is the most important skill you’ve learned in your years in the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir?
“The most important skill I’ve gained from Children’s Choir is how to rehearse and perform professionally. This skill has helped me to move forward in many other areas of my life, as it requires confidence and focus.”
“The most important skill I learned is focus. It’s hard to give 150% for two hours when you’re 8, and it’s hard when you’re 18. Choir has shown me how hard I can push myself - and how much more enjoyable that work can be when you give it your all.”
“One of the most important skills that I have learned from being in the Children’s Choir for 10 years is the ability to be motivated and determined to be the best that I can be, not only in choir, but in life in general.”
What is your best advice to young choristers?
“My advice is to always be humble. In choir, you will shine not by trying to out-sing everyone else, but by lending your voice to something beyond your own existence. It is not about being the best singer, but about being the best chorister you can possibly be.”
“Always listen to Ms. D when she tells you to branch out and become more committed to the choir. Be thankful for the time, effort, and passion that Ms. Davidson puts into the choir. Finally, cherish each moment that you have with the choir. The years in choir will be gone before you know it.”
What is your favorite memory from Being in the RVCC?
“My favorite memory was walking on to the stage at Carnegie for our sound check as the featured choir. Everyone became so overwhelmed with emotions at the sight of the huge, beautiful music hall. All of our hard work of the previous five months had finally paid off as we stood on the stage of one of the most known music halls in the nation.”
What do you like best about being in the RVCC?
“The Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir is a family in every sense of the word – it doesn’t matter where you’re from or who you are; when you’re at choir - you are home.”
“I LOVE all the friendships I’ve made, of course, but choir wouldn’t be as AMAZING as it is without the incredible music. My favorite part of choir is perfecting a song and singing it so beautifully that even Ms. D who has heard it about 250 times gets chills. THAT’S when you know you’ve done something to be proud of. There’s nothing better than having Ms. D mouth “beautiful!” just as the applause starts.”
“Coming to choir is 2 hours every week where school and everything else is irrelevant and the only thing that matters is the music.”